You would like to have Catahoula!?

Is the reason why you want a Catahoula, the fact that he is so beautiful and has such amazing blue eyes?

That’s your first mistake!

Acquiring a Catahoula from this reason, when you are on top of inexperienced in dogs, is a disaster for you and your dog!

What you need to know before you decide for a Catahoula:

    • You need more dog experience and expertise!
    • You must be ready to learn with this dog.
    • Especially in the first 2 years  of its life, you need a lot of time and sometimes patience and nerves of steel.
    • Be assured that the Catahoula does not give its strong energy and will only into work during a day! Even if educated and lead well, you will face it.
    • You should be able and willing to become a sovereign leader for him  –  namely mentally, not physically.
    • During the first 3 years  or even  for the rest of his life, he can challenge you again and again to see if you are able to lead him.
    • The Catahoula urgently needs a suitable and regular employment, otherwise he will “destroy your house” (quote of an experienced American breeder) and develope undesirable habbits.
    • Please do not acquire a Catahoula, when you can´t give him a suitable job.
    • He has hunting instincts!

It is WRONG to conclude now from above facts, that the dog must be educated with a lot of hardship!

A Catahoula needs to be brought up with unconditional and also loving consistency. Any kind of pressure generates often counter-pressure in this breed.  Those, who does not have authority and balance, will lose. A solid basis is important!

A Catahoula Leopard Dog desperately needs closeness and affection of his people.

The Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog is a wonderful dog AND challenge for every owner!

Author:  Anke Boysen ( )

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